It's All Coming Together
by Heidi Swander
I read an article recently that began with these chilling words, "The Institute for Health Freedom (IHF) warns that the economic stimulus bill mandates electronic health records for every citizen without providing for opt-out or patient consent provisions." By now you most likely know this. (If not, I refer you to Jan's Feb. 21st program where she spoke about this topic with Twila Brase of the Citizens' Council on Healthcare.)
Think the mandated inclusion of electronic health records is a creation of the currently-officiating members of our executive and legislative branches? Think again. From a careful reading of chapter 8 in the book, It Could Happen Tomorrow, by Gary Frazier, I discovered that this is a well-orchestrated plan that has been in the works for some time.
What you may not know is that in 2007 President Bush signed an agreement that commits the U.S. to economic integration with Europe, and that one of the provisions of the agreement was creating regulatory convergence between the U.S. and the E.U., including integrating health records electronically!
Frazier states that in Annex 7 of this agreement "the U.S. and E.U. resolve to work together on interoperability of e-health records systems, exchange best practices on all dimensions related to all RFID [Radio Frequency Identification], and develop a framework of regulation and payment policies that promote innovation."
Read the whole article at:
The news we see is but the tip of the ice berg. Take for example the stimulus package. Why do you think they rushed it through? What happened to the 5 days of sunlight before President Obama signs any bills? What happened to no earmarks? The money for odor control of pig farms was definitely needed in Washington D.C. rather than sending it to Iowa. They rush things through so the people won't have time to examine what they are doing. The longer it hung open to debate, the lower the polls dropped in approval ratings.
This article is only one example of behind the scenes happenings in D.C. To read the executive orders that have been signed over the years is to ask for a spike in the blood pressure. The more I read, the more I wonder how much we really know.
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